The List Store

The List Store of the Washington Marketing Group, established in 1987, manages more than twenty-five list properties, encompassing an unduplicated database of more than 3 million names.

The founders of the Washington Marketing Group and the List Store have been devoted to creating and building conservative organizations and helping elect conservatives to office. Our philosophy is to seek out and build productive lists for as many conservative causes and candidates as we can. We insist that the list properties that we manage not be restricted based on recency, frequency, or dollar amount.

Since most of the donors on our managed lists contribute to multiple organizations, the total records under management is more than 16 million.

The List Store provides:

  •  Free telephone appends on telemarketing orders – phone numbers updated monthly.
  •  Up to 50% net on direct mail and telemarketing orders, with verification of percentage retention, and M/P random certification.
  •  25% Broker Discounts
  • Frequency selection of up to 10X multi-donors on most of our conservative donor lists, along with highest previous donation and Recency selects.

Summaries of recent usage across all WMG lists may be useful and are available the Usage Summary page.

Telemarketing usage in terms of continuations, rollouts, and full runs is also available on the Usage Summary page.